

Statue of Buddha marks the entrance of a local Iitate cemetery
Iitate, Fukushima looking south east from a scenic overlook on highway 399. According to local residents on the 15th of march a snow squall formed dropping snow contaminated by the fire and explosions earlier that day, this area of Iitate more then two months after the accidents has a radiation level of 3-5 times the levels in others parts of town (on the day of the photograph levels exceeded 15 micro sieverts per hour in some locations.

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Statue of Buddha marks the  entrance of  a local Iitate cemetery<br />
Iitate, Fukushima looking south east from a scenic overlook  on highway 399. According to local residents   on the 15th  of march  a snow squall formed dropping snow contaminated by the fire and explosions earlier that day, this area  of Iitate more then two months after the accidents has a radiation level of 3-5 times the  levels in others parts of town  (on the  day of the photograph levels exceeded 15 micro sieverts per hour in some locations.