Shinzo Abe Acting Acting Secretary General- Liberal Democratic Party Campaigns for local tokyo canidates Abe-- served as executive assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, private secretary to the chairperson of the LDP General Council, and then as
Shinzo Abe Acting Acting Secretary General- Liberal Democratic Party Campaigns for local tokyo canidates.Abe-- served as executive assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, private secretary to the chairperson of the LDP General Council, and then as private secretary to the LDP secretary-general. After his father's death in 1991, Mr. Abe established a network of Shinzo Abe supporters' office. In 1993, Mr. Abe received the highest vote count in the Yamaguchi 1st District in his fast run for the House of Representatives. He was appointed to the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, and also served as director of the LDP Social Affairs Division, where he focused on the pension and the social security systems. He has served as deputy chief cabinet secretary from 2000 to 2003 Sptember in the Mori and Koizumi Cabinets. Then he has appointed to the Secretary General of LDP. He was recently re-elected in the general election for a forth term under the 2003 general election.
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