A Bomb Cities 60 years later
Mr. Hamamoto Miyata - 93 -Walking to daily theaaarpy in the halls of "The Hill of Grace Nagasaki A-Bomb Home" At the time of the explosion I was working hard I noticed the big planes in the sky it was unusual because usually they come from the south but this time they came from the north, I was very busy and continue working, not paying too much attention and then I saw a flash of blinding light and heard the sound of the explosion and the next thing I remember was hearing the people in my office asking was any body hurt I remember reading in Hiroshima what happen days before in the newspaper I thought we were lucky not too many people were injured in my area ,....These feelings changed as I made my way towards Nagasaki, it started raining as I approach the city. soon started seeing disfigured bloody people waking away from the center, the city was in flames, black smoke and rain, the closer I got the hypo-center the more destruction I saw there was nothing left. The city was leveled! I heard voices : ? get out of here! , get out of here! I saw bodies as if they were sleeping, everywhere People were lying on the bridge, futons scattered , children with their brains exposed people coming out of a wrecked train blackened from the blast. I felt sorry for them . I felt guilty, I was not hurt. I hope people will remember the horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and the war in general but I fear the lesson was not learned as there are still wars all over the world like in Iraq .......I pray everyday for peace. Many people will come this year anniversary to remember the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and will pray for peace...
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