Nepresteno Refugee Camp. April 13, 1999. Three miles from Tetovo, north-west Macedonia. Four siblings of the Rrahmani family whose parents and elder sister are trapped behind in Kosovo. They do not know the fate of their parents (father Kadri, 59, and mother Nezire, 50) or sister (Hatixhe, 36). Siblings are: Mehmet, 28 (white shirt & dark jacket); Dashurije, 21 (white sweater); Hysen, 14 (stripped shirt & cut-off jacket); Sevdije, 10 (pink top). They are from the southern Kosovar village of Kashtanjeva. As the eldest son Mehmet has now taken on the role of father until they are reunited with their parents. They fled Kosovo over a mountain pass in yard-deep snow. Of a party of 30 villages, 10 became lost in driving sleet. Their fate is unknown although they are feared dead. One woman and someone's small daughter perished in the pass.
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